luni, 17 martie 2008

exista o parere oficiala despre evaluarea de riscuri in stndardul OHSAS 18002:2008

There is no single methodology for hazard identification and risk assessment that will suit all organizations. Hazard identification and risk assessment methodologies vary greatly across industries, ranging from simple assessments to complex quantitative analyses with extensive documentation. Individual hazards may require that different methods be used, e.g. an assessment of long term exposure to chemicals may need a different method than that taken for equipment safety or for assessing an office workstation. Each organization should choose approaches that are appropriate to its scope, nature and size, and which meet its needs in terms of detail, complexity, time, cost and availability of reliable data. Taken together, the chosen approaches should result in a comprehensive methodology for the ongoing evaluation of the organization’s risks.

O sa o traduc mai tarziu pentru cei care nu inteleg ! Risk assessment General
Risk is the combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity of injury or ill heath (3.8) that can be caused by the event or exposure(s) (see 3.21).
Risk assessment is a process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard(s), taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether the level of risk(s) is acceptable (see 3.22).
An acceptable risk is a risk that has been reduced to a level that the organization is willing to assume with respect to its legal obligation, its OH&S policy and its OH&S objectives.
NOTE Some reference documents use the term "risk assessment" to encompass the entire process of hazard identification, determination of risk, and the selection of appropriate risk reduction or risk control measures. OHSAS 18001 and OHSAS 18002 refer to the individual elements of this process separately and use the term "risk assessment" to refer to the second of its steps, namely the determination of risk.

Poate inteleg toti specialistii in evaluare de riscuri ca scopul evaluarii nu este a fabrica hartii care sa dovedeasca respectarea cerintelor legale, a evalua acele ricuri care au un impact directa asupra oamenilor care lucreaza undeva.